Members of the Council

Members of the Systemic Risk Council

In Denmark, work on financial stability is carried out by several authorities. In order to involve authorities and institutions with special knowledge and expertise in the area, the Council consists of members from Danmarks Nationalbank, the Danish Financial Supervisory Authority, the economic ministries and independent experts.

Table of contents

Current members of the Council

The Council consists of the following members according to the law:

  • Two representatives from Danmarks Nationalbank, one being the chairman of the Board of Governors of Danmarks Nationalbank and chairing the Council.
  • Two representatives from the Danish Financial Supervisory Authority.
  • One representative from each of the following economic ministries: Ministry of Industry, Business and Financial Affairs, Ministry for Economic Affairs and the Interior and Ministry of Finance.
  • Three independent experts with knowledge of financial matters.

The members are appointed by the Minister for Business and Growth for a period of up to four years and can be reappointed.

The current members of the Council are:

  • Christian Kettel Thomsen, Chairman, Governor by Royal Appointment, Danmarks Nationalbank.
  • Jens Brøchner, Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Industry, Business and Financial Affairs.
  • Kent Harnisch, Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Finance.
  • Stig Henneberg, Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Economy.
  • Øystein Olsen, Former Governor, Norges Bank, Independent expert.
  • Peter Schütze, Former CEO in Nordea Denmark, Independent expert.
  • Nina Smith, Professor, Aarhus University, Independent expert.
  • Ulrik Nødgaard, Governor, Danmarks Nationalbank.
  • Louise Mogensen, Director General, the Danish Financial Supervisory Authority.
  • Anne-Sofie Reng Japhetson, Assistant Director General, the Danish Financial Supervisory Authority.

Danmarks Nationalbank performs the secretariat services for the Systemic Risk Council. The Danish Financial Supervisory Authority, the Ministry of Industry, Business and Financial Affairs, the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry for Economic Affairs and the Interior participate in the secretariat.

According to law, the Council decides by a simple majority vote among the present members with voting rights. In the event of equality of votes, the chairman will have the decisive vote. The representatives from the economic ministries and the Danish Financial Supervisory Authority have no voting rights regarding observations, warnings and recommendations directed towards the government. However, observations, warnings and recommendations directed towards the government will at their publication include a statement by the representatives from the ministries.

Since the Council has an advisory function, the participating authorities preserve their current competences. Similarly, the secretariat services of the Council are also independent of the participating authorities.

The Council meets at least four times a year.

Changes to the independent members of the Council

New members of the Systemic Risk Council

The Minister of Industry, Business and Financial Affairs Morten Bødskov has on the 7th of February 2023 appointed Øystein Olsen, former Governor of Norges Bank, as new independent member of the Systemic Risk Council. Øystein Olsen replaces Ida Wolden Bache as independent member of the Council.

New members of the Systemic Risk Council

The Minister of Industry, Business and Financial Affairs Simon Kollerup has on the 10th of May 2022 appointed Nina Smith, Professor at Aarhus University, as new independent member of the Systemic Risk Council. Nina Smith replaces Svend Erik Hougaard Jensen as independent member of the Council.

Members of the Systemic Risk Council reappointed

The Minister of Industry, Business and Financial Affairs Simon Kollerup has on the 12th of March 2021 reappointed deputy guvernor of Norges Bank Ida Wolden-Bache and former CEO of Nordea Denmark Peter Schütze as independent members of the Council. Both are reappointed for a four year period.


New members of the Systemic Risk Council

The Minister of Industry, Business and Financial Affairs Brian Mikkelsen has on the 5th of April 2018 appointed new independent members of the Systemic Risk Council. Svend Erik Hougaard Jensen, professor at CBS,is appointed new independed member, and in addition is Anne-Sofie Reng Japhetson, Director in the Danish Financial Supervisory Authority, appointed as new member of the Council.


New members of the Systemic Risk Council

The Minister of Industry, Business and Financial Affairs Brian Mikkelsen has on the 28th of February 2017 appointed new independent members of the Systemic Risk Council. Ida Wolden Bache, executive director at Norges Bank, is appointed new independed member, and in addition Professor Torben M. Andersen and former CEO in Nordea Denmark Peter Schütze are reappointed as members of the Council for a four year period.


Announcement on the establishment of the Council

The Minister of Economic and Business Affairs Annette Vilhelmsen has on the 21st of Febrary 2013 appointed the members of the Systemic Risk Council.


Latest change to the members of the Council

The Minister of Industry, Business and Financial Affairs Morten Bødskov has on the 7 of February 2023 appointed Øystein Olsen, former Governor of Norges Bank, as new independent member of the Systemic Risk Council.

Members from the ministries

According to the law, three economic ministries are represented as members of the Systemic Risk Council. If a ministry is reorganised and integrated in another ministry, the ministry of concern will not be represented as member of the Systemic Risk Council during this government term.